District Court, Vizianagaram - Office Subordinate Posts (Last date: 03.08.2016)

Applications are invited for appointment to the post of Office Subordinate (Attender) by Direct Recruitment in the A.P. Last Grade Services in the Unit of District Judge, Vizianagaram, in the prescribed proforma duly enclosed the required documents to reach the office of the undersigned on or before 03.08.2016.

No.of posts:03
Office Subordinate (Attender)


Must have passed 7th Class Examination. Must be able to ride a bicycle. Preference shall be given to the candidates who possess with professional skills, such as, Driving, Electrical, Carpentry, Plumbing, Cooking, Dhobi work etc

Age Limit
Candidates has to complete the age of 18 years and should not have completed 34 years of age as on 01.07.2016 in which the notification for the selection is made.

The applications should be addressed in the name of: The District Judge, Vizianagaram.

Last Date of Receipt of Application: 03.08.2016.